Friday, February 24, 2006
HopePhew! Finally, my Principles of International Commerce CA is over! No more mugging,i guess.
But there's still some unfinished business about this module before i graduate in 2,3 weeks time.
Three more presentations plus report and this module is history.
And here's one more module that is killing me. E- Business Project.
Report: Completed.
Presentation: Incomplete.
Final Website: Completed.
Once presentation is completed on next Wednesday, i can finally stop thinking about ITE and start dreamiong of entering Nanyang Polytechnic to further my studies. Ageing? In life,u never stop learning.
Graduation is so near yet so far. I hope my PPE is successful,been waiting for poly admission for almost 2 years. Hope fate is on my side.
And before i forget,this is my newest blog after the other one(fifiedisastrousfashion.blogspot) sucks big time. Hope this one goes smoothly and i can get more readers of this humble blog.
I hope for many things at this point of time. Including you baby.
Fashionably Satisfied;@6:10 PM